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Lifestyle Financial Planning & Investment Advice

We specialise in lifestyle financial planning, and investment advice.  Without knowing who you are, nobody is ever in a position where they can or should tell you what to do with your money - so that is where we start, by understanding you, and then putting a plan in place based around your circumstances and what you want.

We are honoured to have been named on MoneyHub's list of Top Financial Advisers. MoneyHub's mission aligns with Irvine Wenborn's closely,  by helping New Zealanders make important financial decisions.

This is a list of the Top Financial Advisers in Christchurch, as MoneyHub has laid out. This is based on fee-transparency, fiduciary advice, level of expertise, investment philosophy, treating clients fair and equitably, and just doing what is genuinely in a client's best interest, as opposed to selling them products.
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Get in Touch

Cam Irvine

+64 21 670 770

Matt Wenborn

+64 21 495 190

Thanks for reaching out!

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