KiwiSaver is a program that is designed to help Kiwi's save for their future. It's puts a percentage of your income into the program, along with a match from your employer and the government.
KiwiSaver is there to help us retire, but it can also be used to help us buy our first homes.
Why does KiwiSaver exist?
There is currently a universal pension for New Zealanders, starting at age 65. However, that pension may be subject to change throughout the years making it difficult for you to plan the security of your retirement around it. KiwiSaver puts your retirement into the control of your own hands.
How we help
The truth is KiwiSaver planning does not need to be complicated. We believe KiwiSaver advice should be part of your overall lifestyle financial plan. We will help you determine how much to contribute to your KiwiSaver. We sift through all the KiwiSaver options to find which investments make the most sense for you. Unlike other companies, who give one-time recommendation, our service is ongoing. This means that we will continue to make recommendations for our clients' KiwiSaver as time goes on and circumstances change.
Overseas Pension Transfers (AUS & US)
Overseas pensions like Australian Supers and US 401(k)s + IRAs are able to be transferred to New Zealand retirement schemes. Each will have their own rules that are typically based on the country that the money is coming from, and we can help in the process of moving things along.
Australian Superannuation Schemes must typically be transferred into another retirement account such as a KiwiSaver. This transfers the money, with some stipulations. The good news is the money can be accessed as early as age 55, as opposed to 65 like with other KiwiSaver money. The bad news is the money isn’t available for a first home purchase.
US retirement schemes include a long list of varying types. While US retirement schemes can generally be moved over more easily and invested in non-retirement accounts, there can be tax implications that can be very costly. Therefore we work with you to ensure you understand fully, before getting into trouble with the IRS. Contact us to explore your options.